Friday 31 January 2014

Mango- The king of all fruits

Mango Tree with Mukul

Really Mango is the king of all fruits ! Because of ripe Mango are very delicious and fleshy fruit .

Where first time was discovered and by whom that can't say clearly , but approximately fruit is native fruit of South Africa . Thereafter it is spread various part of the world . This fruit is mostly cultivated at tropical and sub topical countries since many ears . This is national fruit of India , Philippines . The trees of Mango are the national trees of Bangladesh .

The leaf of Mango trees is very Lucy for Hindus and in most of the festivals the use Mango leaves . Mango leaf is also required to decorate any Lucy functions of Hindus . Mango trees are grown up to 40 meters high approximately . Leaves of Mango tress are mostly green color . The lives of such tress are very long and most of them give Mangoes even 300 years .

There are approximately 400 verities of Mango . Before of birth of Mango , mukuls (flower) bloom first and thus small Mangoes birth from those mukuls . The size of the mukul is very small and huge number in a stick of Mango tree . Within three to six months Mangoes are become ripen . The ripe Mangoes are also different colors like yellow , reddish , etc. and also the sizes are different . Most of the ripe Mangoes carried sweet flesh with fibers .

There are controversial enough about the originality of the name . Mango is English word ; somebody says that it comes from Malayalam word manga or somebody says that it comes from Tamil word mangai . This word recorded first from Italian word in 1510 . It was first exported to American colonies in 17 centuries and they had used it in various ways like pickle , because they couldn't be freezing this fruit . Nearly thousand years before , Mangoes had been cultivated in South Africa and exported to Asia since long time in between 14th century BC and 10th century AD .

Thereafter most of the Asian tropical countries had started to cultivate Mangoes in their own lands . This fruit is basically summer fruit and most of the tropical and sub-tropical countries are suitable for its cultivation . India is the major cultivator of Mangoes . In the world market India's Mangoes have very strong demand .

Mangoes can be taken in various ways . It can be eating raw , it can be taken as salad , it can be used as Jam, Jelly , juice , etc . Unripe or green Mangoes are used for pickle . There are so much small and big industries in the counties who manufacture jam , jelly , and pickle . This is very money making fruit for the businessmen of the world . The Alfonzo Mango a most famous Mango class of Goa and most of the Mangoes are exported to foreign .

The nutrition value of Mango is also remarkable . One 100 gm ripe Mango contains ; energy- 60 calorie , this slightly difference with an apple of 100 gm. weights that contains 75 calories of energy . Vitamin-C 34 mg , iron-0.16 mg , vitamin-B6- 115 mg , dietary fiber- 1.6 g, carbohydrate-16 g,etc. All of  these items are valuable for human bodies . This is also delicious food for monkeys and other animal like monkeys .

Mangoes of Bangladesh

Ripe Mangoes

Green Mango with Mukul

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